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June Features: Speed, Accuracy, Trials, and more

Michael Cantrell

June was a big month for new features at DepoScribe! We shipped speed improvements, multiple witnesses in a single transcript, a new transcription type, and more!

A list of improvements made in June 2023 for The list includes improved speaker identification, audio concatenation tools, additional meeting types, faster transcription, and multi-witness trials.

Transcription Speed and Accuracy

We improved our speech-to-text transcription accuracy and speed! A 90 minute file that used to take a few minutes is now done in less than 30 seconds. This lets you get work done even faster.

Improved Speaker Identification

We changed the way you provide speaker information, so you can provide names and details when you are seeing what the speaker said rather than prior to uploading audio. We also allow you to go back and change speaker identification if needed.

Additionally, we made changes to Attorney identification to make their contact information optional. This information was only collected to populate the Appearances page, but if you don't need that, you can skip it.

Trial Transcript Improvements

We made major improvements to our trial transcripts, so we can now handle multiple witnesses questioned by multiple attorneys. All of these witnesses and attorneys are properly formatted with our Q&A and Colloquy detection, saving you even more time when transcribing trials.

General Meeting Transcription

We added a general meeting transcription type, for those recordings you have that are only Colloquy. This feature was requested by transcribers working on interviews, board meetings, city council meetings, and more. Any type of recording can be quickly transcribed and output into Word.

Concatenation Audio Tool

We launched our first audio tool for DepoScribe users. Our first tool allows you to upload audio files to be joined together sequentially into one file. This is great for audio from ForTheRecord or CourtSmart that is broken out into many small files when you want a single file back.

You can upload individual files, DepoScribe will sort them, and then you can merge and download the single audio file back. You can then use that audio file in your player of choice and use it with DepoScribe for automatic transcription.


These changes make DepoScribe even better than before! If you haven't already, you can start your free trial today with 3 free jobs at


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