At we want every legal transcriber to be successful and see how much faster transcripts can be completed when you start with a formatted rough transcript instead of a generic ASR or blank page.
With that in mind, we have made several new transcription tutorial videos to make it easier to understand the best ways to unlock DepoScribe's powerful functionality!
We have three new tutorials available on our Support site to get started.
The first is a deep dive into creating a job in DepoScribe. This tutorial covers the process from start to finish and provides tips on identifying speakers and setting questioning attorney changes.
The second covers how to use our Concatenate Audio Tool to join audio files from For The Record, CourtSmart, and more. Learn how to use our tools to merge the multiple files together into a single file you can run through DepoScribe and use in any audio player you choose without having to keep the files in order every time you want to open them.
Our third tutorial covers using Microsoft Word to edit DepoScribe files. We show you how to quickly change page margins, border, styles, and more. Many of the tips are valuable for any Microsoft Word document, and not just DepoScribe files.
Our goal at DepoScribe is to allow transcribers to complete more transcripts in the same amount of time by leveraging AI tools and more. That allows transcribers to make more money in the same amount of time. We want to share the power of technology to bring those goals to life.
If you have any recommendations for tutorials or Microsoft Word transcription tips you would like to share with us, let us know by emailing